
激励强度与公平程度对农民培训参与程度的影响研究 被引量:1

The Effect of Motivation and Fairness on Farmer Training Engagement
摘要 笔者基于期望理论和分配公平理论,分析了激励强度和公平程度对农民培训参与度的作用机理,并利用西南少数民族地区农民培训调研数据,运用多层线性模型对其进行了验证。研究发现:由培训供需契合度、培训考核、培训对农民工作的帮助程度等因素共同决定的激励强度对农民培训参与度产生了显著的正向影响;培训结果考评的公平程度对农民在培训中的学习性参与度有积极的影响。创造有利于农民参与培训的政策环境,规范培训标准、内容和层次,强化农民参与培训的内部激励及公平程度是提高农民培训参与度、实现培训供给目标价值的重要手段。 Based on the expectancy theory and fairness theory, this paper analyzed the influencing mechanism of motivation and fair- ness on farmer' s training engagement. Then the paper made an empirical test on the minority regions of south-western China by Hierar- chical Linear Modeling. The results show that motivation consisting of the fit between supply and demand, examination and the training function in favor of the job can promote farmers' engagement in training. The examination fairness level plays an important role in the learning engagement. According to the analysis of this study, we propose to create a good policy environment, standardize training con- tent and level and harden intrinsic motivation and fairness for farmers engaging in training.
出处 《经济经纬》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期43-48,共6页 Economic Survey
基金 国家社会科学基金项目(11BGL064) 四川省统计科学研究计划重点项目(2012SC049)
关键词 期望理论 分配公平理论 激励强度 公平程度 农民培训参与度 Expectancy Theory Fairness Theory Motivation Fairness Farmer Training Engagement
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