
关系从句中指量词的位序选择及其对言语产生理论的启示 被引量:11

Demonstrative-classifier Positioning in Chinese Relative Clauses and Its Implication to Language Production Models
摘要 言语生成领域的两大重要理论,即"基于听众设计"的理论和"基于言者内部认知限制"的理论,各有支持证据,尚具争议。汉语指量词与关系从句共现时,可前置或后置于关系从句。具体的位置取向如何,两大理论做出了不同的预测。本研究采用在线句子生成的实验任务,让42名被试根据提示词语在限定的时间内说出合法的汉语句子。对被试所生成的完全正确的句子进行分析后,发现指量词的位置受制于从句的提取类型,基本呈不对称分布态势。结果符合"基于听众设计"的理论预测,但不支持"基于言者内部认知限制"的理论。 There are two important models in the field of sentence production, namely Audience Design and Speaker- internal Constraints, each having supporting evidence. When applied to the flexible ordering of the demonstrative- classifier (DCL) sequence, which can occur either before or after the relative clauses (RCs) in Chinese, these two make competing predictions. With an online sentence production task, the present study had 42 participants use given words to make up acceptable Chinese sentences within a limited period of time. Analyses of perfect-as-expected utter- ances produced by participants show that DCL positioning is subject to the extraction types of RC. The results are largely consistent with the predictions of the Audience Design Model, but are not as predicted by the Speaker-internal Constraints Model.
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期49-58,共10页 Journal of Foreign Languages
基金 上海市社科规划课题(批号2010BYY003)“处理汉语句子的心理过程和神经机制” 国家社科基金一般项目“指量结构在关系从句加工进程中的消歧与结构预期的作用”(批号13BYY152) 上海外国语大学第八届研究生科研基金项目“汉语长距离句法结构的认知加工模式:基于一语和二语的对比研究”(201308087)
关键词 言语产出 关系从句 指量词 听众设计 language production relative clause demonstrative-classifier audience design
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