
西部民族地区产业集聚的实证分析 被引量:4

An Empirical Analysis of Industrial Agglomeration in the Western Ethnic Region
摘要 产业集聚是经济一体化过程中的经济发展现象。产业的集聚程度从一个侧面反映了产业的竞争力,反映出一个区域或国家的经济实力。本文采用实证研究的方法,通过构建静态和动态指标模型,对西部民族地区产业的空间集聚程度进行了测定,并根据计算结果对西部民族地区产业集聚的发展变化作出评估和比较。在新一轮的西部大开发时期,为了寻求更为有利的生产经营地点,抢占市场制高点,西部民族地区要利用自身在资源等方面的比较优势,吸引产业资本和先进技术以创造后发优势,并通过产业结构的优化来逐步获取竞争优势,从而增强自身的内生发展能力。 Industrial agglomeration refers to a high concentration of the same industry or related industries in a particular geographic area,and a process of gradual concentration of industrial capital elements within a space. The new economic geography considers that industrial agglomeration is caused by circulating cumulative cause and effect. Accidental disturbance destroys the original balance of the symmetrical area,which in turn brings about the expansion of the market in a concentrated industrial area,which then causes the effect of market expansion. This,accordingly,induces the factors of production to begin to concentrate in the area. The concentration of elements and industries brings about the'regional price index effect'. The concentration of manufacturers in the region is helpful in reducing both transportation costs and living costs of the labor. Accordingly,the elements become further concentrated,which causes the expansion of market scale and the concentration of elements. Finally,a kind of industrial agglomeration forms. Industrial agglomeration is not only a kind of group concentration of similar enterprises in a specific region,but most importantly it is a kind of common growth among the enterprises. Therefore, the degree of concentration of an industry reflects the competiveness of an industry,which in turn reflects the economic strength of a region or a country. The concept that industrial concentration could promote the relative competiveness of the industries in the region has already been accepted by most economists. Hence,it has an important meaning regarding the study of industrial agglomeration in the western ethnic region.There are two ways to measure industrial agglomeration. One is the Gini Coefficient index and the other is the Industrial Agglomeration Index of location quotient. The author thinks that the degree of regional industrial agglomeration could either be examined with a static stock index,or a dynamic flow indicator. Obviously, the connotations of these two methods are different. However, the comprehensive usage of the two methods could be used to better analyze the degree of regional industrial agglomeration. There are different meanings for the statistic and dynamic agglomeration indices of industry. The static index reflects the proportion of present production capacity and the output of the industry in a specific region in the country. It measures the stock index of the production distribution of enterprise. A dynamic cluster index reflects the agglomeration speed of a particular industry in a specific area within a certain period of time. It reflects the direction of regional transfer and the speed of the enterprise production. A comprehensive investigation of static and dynamic aggregation indices could help us to analyze the transfer and accumulation trends of enterprise production in the whole country. Through calculating location quotients and industrial concentration indices of 39 industries in the western ethnic region,this article gives a quantitative description of the degree of industrial agglomeration,and roughly analyzes and compares the agglomeration level of various industries. Concerning the current industrial agglomeration level in the western ethnic region,we can make the follow-ing suppositions: the industrial agglomeration level in western ethnic region is not high; those industries with a relative high agglomeration level in the regions are mainly resource processing industries and traditionally advantaged industries based upon natural resources; and,there is a lack of emerging industrial development; At present,with the deepening of the western development strategy in our country,the industrialization,marketization,urbanization,integration and modernization of the western ethnic region will be accelerated. This will bring a profound impact to the production of the various ethnic groups,to their life style,ethnic culture and ethnic development in the western region. It is necessary for us to optimize the industrial structure of the western ethnic region,and improve the self- development ability of the western ethnic areas. Therefore,at present,the western ethnic region should rely on its advantages,promote structural adjustment,change the pattern of economic growth, promote competition ability, strengthen governmental guidance and policy support,attract industrial capital and advanced technology,promote the transformation of 'resources' advantages into industrial advantages and economic advantages,and, gradually form a development base based upon a number of characteristic resources processing industries and competitive industries. In the future,the western ethnic region should make full use of the advantages of their regional mineral and grassland resources. They should make efforts to develop their coal,oil,waterpower and other energy resources; enhance their degree of processing resources; alleviate the contradiction of the'economic dual structure'; develop the non- ferrous metals industries,petrochemical industries and other heavy chemical industries; speed up the development of high technology industries such as major equipment manufacturing; develop border trade; improve the environment of agricultural development; improve the food production and livestock production; develop textile industry,food and feed industries, and optimize their industrial structure as well as the spatial layout in western ethnic region.
机构地区 西南民族大学
出处 《民族学刊》 2014年第3期20-26,116-117,共7页 Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金重大项目'新形势下推动民族地区经济社会全面发展的若干重大问题研究'(项目编号:09&ZD011) 教育部人文社会科学项目'新形势下加快形成西部沿边开放格局的机制与对策研究'(项目编号:12YJA790127) 西南民族大学研究生学位点建设项目资助(项目编号:2011XWD-S0202)
关键词 产业集聚 产业结构 西部民族地区 industrial agglomeration industrial structure western ethnic region
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