2Brunori, D,R. Green, M. Bell, C. Yuan, 2006, "The Property Tax: Its Significance in Funding State and Local Services", GWIPP working paper series No. Choi and B. Role and Government 27.
6Roy Bahl and Sally Wallace. Reforming the Property Tax in Developing Countries: A New Approach, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University. 2008: pp. 8~19.
7Richard Miller Bird, Naomi Enid Slack. International handbook of land and property taxation. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004: pp.1-18.
8David Brunori et al The Property Tax: Its Role and Significance in Funding State and Local Government Services. GWIPP working paper series, No. 27, 2006.
9Richard Miller Bird, Naomi Enid Slack. Land and property taxation in 25 countries: a comparative review. In: Richard Miller Bird, Naomi Enid Slack. International handbook of land and property taxation. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2004: pp.19~56.