中国石油化工股份有限公司洛阳分公司轻油车间的台五大鹤管,主要承担着柴油产品的装车任务。但长期以来,由于大鹤管升降油缸密封圈经常泄漏,造成停车检修,影响了生产的正常进行。对大鹤管的结构和工作原理进行了阐述;结合大鹤管的运行状况分析了油缸密封圈泄漏的原因。经分析得出:大鹤管升降油缸密封圈泄漏是由升降油缸内液压油油压过高引起的,而油压过高是由温度变化大造成的。由于工作温度是工艺需要,无法改变,所以控制升降油缸内液压油的压力是解决问题的关键。解决措施:在大鹤管的上升油路上安装一个溢流阀,控制升降油缸内液压油压力不超过最大工作压力4.0 MPa。采取上述措施后,2011年4月至今,大鹤管升降油缸密封圈再未出现过泄漏问题。
The big hose on the loading-platform No. 5 in Light Oil Workshop of SINOPEC Luoyang Company is used to load diesel oil. For a long time, the hose operation has to be frequently shutdown for maintenance because of the leaking of lifting oil cylinder seal, which affects the normal operation of the unit. The construction and operational principles of big hose are described. The analysis of the of the operating condi tions of big hose and the leaking causes of the lifting oil cylinder seal has concluded that the leakage is caused by excessive hydraulic oil pressure in the lifting oil cylinder, and the excessive hydraulic oil pressure is the result of big changes of temperature. As the operating temperature can not be changed because of the requirement of process, it is very critical to control the hydraulic oil pressure in the lifting oil cylinder. The measures which have been taken are: installation of an overflow valve on the riser hose and control of the hydraulic oil pressure in the lifting oil cylinder not to exceed 4.0 MPa. No leakage has occurred in the lifting oil cylinder of big hose since April 2011 after the aforesaid measures were taken.
Petroleum Refinery Engineering
big hose, lift oil cylinder, seal ring, improvement measures