在不考虑刀具磨损的条件下,建立了齿条型插刀(或滚刀)加工渐开线变位齿轮时生成的轮齿齿根过渡曲线方程及轮齿齿廓方程。分析了参数化建模的特点及适应范围,提出了适用于齿轮轴等复杂齿轮类零件建模的齿轮模块化建模方法。以Visual Studio 2008为集成开发环境,通过软件Pro/E 5.0的二次开发包Pro/toolkit将模块分类封装的模块化建模方法,解决了参数化建模过渡依赖模板零件,以及结构特征变动困难等问题。
The equation of the transitional curve in gear root and tooth profile curve was established,which did not took the influence of tool wearing in consideration using rack cutter or hobbing cutter in gear processing.The paper discussed the application range and disadvantages of parametric modeling.Modular modeling method had been put forward to overcome the weakness of parametric modeling that over-dependence on template parts and inconvenience on feature increase or decrease.Modules which developed based on Pro/E 5.0's secondary development kit-Pro/toolkit were classified and encapsulated upon features.
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