
苏南傩面具略论 被引量:3

A Brief Discuss on Nuo Mask in the South of Jiangsu
摘要 所谓"面具",指人们利用自然物或人工物,模仿人面或兽头而制作的各种狰狞的、滑稽的、英武的或和善的人格化的角色象征,它们往往被赋予超自然之力,在祭祀仪式或相关表演中用以近神远鬼、乐神娱人。傩面具在社会生活中以信仰的、审美的、风俗的和艺术的方式发挥着多重的文化功用,及至当代,仍发挥着辟凶除害、迎年祈福、表演陈列、装饰商卖等功能作用。功能决定了傩文化在时间向度上的存废消长,也决定了其在空间向度上的传承与应用。自泰伯奔吴之后,江南土著的荆蛮文化便与中原的商周文化混融,形成食稻米、重商贾、好祭祀、习水善舟、好勇轻死、讲求工巧的吴文化,在巫风气息下,从中原传来的傩文化得到了立足和发展。直到现在,在苏南地区,还见傩祭和傩舞传承,面具仍然是其信仰与活动的中心。从形制方面说,苏南傩面具分为脸壳、套头、魁头三种基本形式;从结构方面说,苏南傩面具有单层面具和开合面具两种;从应用方面说,主要有传统应用和当代应用两类,主要用以调节人与自然的关系,人与自我意识的关系,以及追求生存之外的精神满足和情感表达。 The so-called 'Mask', refers to personal character symbol that people use the natural or artificial things to imitate the human face or the beast head and make it ferocious, funny, wise or good. They often are endowed with supernatural power, to be nearly God and away from ghost, or make God and people happy in the sacrificial ceremony or related performances. Nuo mask play multiple cultural functions in the social life in faith, custom, aesthetic and artistic way. Up to today, it still plays some functions just like to avoid fierce pesticide, welcome the new year and bless, performance and display, decorate business selling. These functions determine the existence and abolition of the Nuo culture in time, and its inheritance and application in space. Since Taibo ran to Wu, the indigenous culture in the south of the Yangtze River has melted the culture of Shang and Zhou in Central Plains, formed Wu culture which likes eating rice,pay attention to business, take sacrifice seriously, good in swimming and boat, and in the atmosphere of witchcraft, the Nuo culture from the Central Plains was foothold and developed. Until now, in the South of Jiangsu area, we can still see the inheritances like sacrifices about Nuo and Nuo dance where the mask is still the center of its beliefs and activities.From the shapes, Nuo mask in the South of Jiangsu can be divided into three basic forms as the face shell, head, Kui head; from the structure, it has single layer mask and open-close layer one; from the application, it can be mainly used in the traditional application and modern application, to regulate the relationship between human and nature, other man and self aware, and pursue the mental satisfaction and emotional expression beyond survival.
作者 陶思炎
出处 《地方文化研究》 2014年第2期1-12,共12页 Local Culture Research
基金 江苏省高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地项目<民俗艺术经典研究>(项目编号:2010JDXM003)中期成果
关键词 傩面具 苏南 功能 应用 现状 Nuo mask the South of Jiangsu Application Current situation
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