For clarifying the effect of production conditions and yarn regularity on the yarn suction efficiency of yarn suction gun, we measured the yarn suction force F, the mass flow rate of compressed air G and analyzed the yarn suction efficiencyη (η= F/G) , feeding different yarns under different feed speed v and supplied air pressure p. The results show that: when p is fixed, F and ηdecrease with an increase in v. When v is fixed, F increases with p, however ηdecreases. F and ηfor full drawn yarn (FDY) are larger than those for drawn textured yarn (DTY) of same fineness. For the same type of yarns, F and ηincrease with the yarn fineness. It is suggested that higher production efficiency with low energy consumption can be obtained by using a rational yarn suction gun and supplying a rational air pressure, according to the yarn characteristics and producing conditions when producing a yarn.
Chemical Fiber & Textile Technology