

40-Year Researches on Foreign Language Learning Motivation Abroad
摘要 外语学习动机研究一直是二语习得关注的焦点。国外相关研究大致可分为三个阶段:20世纪70年代Gardner等人提出的外语学习动机经典理论、90年代学者们对外语学习动机研究焦点转向实验性研究以及21世纪的研究内容新发现。国外外语学习动机理论既有研究可为我国外语教学提供参考和指明前行的方向。 Researches on foreign language learning motivation is the focus of second language acquisition,which covers three stages.In 1970s' classical theory was promoted by Gardner;in 1990s,the focus of language learning motivation was transferred to the experimental studies of it,and in the 21st century,the scholars began to publish their new findings of foreign language learning motivation.The researches of foreign language learning motivation abroad can be regarded as the guidance of foreign language teaching and learning in China.
作者 吴文
机构地区 长江师范学院
出处 《语言教育》 2014年第2期14-19,共6页 Language Education
基金 国家社科规划项目"生物语言学及其研究范式下儿童语言习得机制研究"(项目编号:12XYY011)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 外语学习 动机 外语教学 foreign language learning motivation foreign language teaching
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