
羊水板层小体计数联合孕龄产前预测NRDS的发生 被引量:1

Predicting neonatal respiratory distress syndrome using gestational age and lamellar body count in amniotic fluid
摘要 目的探讨羊水板层小体(LB)计数联合孕龄产前预测NRDS的临床应用价值。方法 132例NRDS高危孕妇(10例新生儿发生NRDS,122例新生儿未发生NRDS)在产时直视下行羊膜穿刺术抽取羊水计数LB。采用ROC曲线分析比较LB计数单独或联合孕龄产前预测NRDS的效率。结果单独采用LB计数产前预测NRDS的曲线下面积(AUC)为0.927,以12.95×109/L为切割值,敏感度和特异度分别为100%和80.3%。LB计数联合孕龄产前预测NRDS的AUC为0.963,以Youden指数最大的切点为切割值,敏感度和特异度分别为100%和91.0%。结论联合孕龄可明显提高LB计数产前预测NRDS的效率。 Objective:To explore the clinical value of combined lamellar body(LB)count and gestational age for predicting neonatal respiratory distress syndrome(NRDS). Methods:LB count was estimated in amniotic fluid samples from 132 gravidas(10 with NRDS and 122 without NRDS)at high risk for NRDS,which were obtained by amniotomy under direct vision during delivery. The predictive capacities of LB count with or without gestational age for prenatal predicting NRDS were compared using ROC analysis. Results:Using LB count cutoff value of 12.95×10^9/L,area under curve(AUC),sensitivity and specificity of LB count in predicting NRDS were 0.927,100% and 80.3%,respectively. ROC analysis demonstrated AUC of combined gestational age and LB count was 0.963 with sensitivity of 100%,specificity of 91.0%,respectively. Conclusion:Combined gestational age can and result in a significant improvement in the predictive capacity of LB count for the occurrence of NRDS.
出处 《中国优生与遗传杂志》 2014年第6期55-56,63,共3页 Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
关键词 板层小体计数 孕龄 胎肺成熟度 新生儿呼吸窘迫综合征 Logistic回归 Lamellar body count Gestational age Fetal lung maturity Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome Logisticregression
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