
基于变异分析的蜕变测试充分性条件 被引量:4

Sufficiency condition in metamorphic testing based on mutation analysis
摘要 变异分析是研究软件测试的一种有效手段,在蜕变测试的研究中也经常采用这种方法。测试数据杀死变异需要满足一定的条件,但在蜕变测试中,测试用例满足变异测试中的条件不一定能够杀死变异,需要比一般的变异测试更严格的测试数据才能杀死变异。从变异测试中杀死变异的三类条件出发,探究蜕变测试数据杀死变异的条件。通过三角形实验分析蜕变测试用例满足的条件以及测试结果,总结蜕变测试用例杀死变异的规律,提出蜕变测试用例杀死变异的一种充分性条件。 Mutation analysis is an effective way of researching software testing, and it is frequently used in metamorphic testing. The test data is hedged with some given qualifications to kill the mutants. As for metamorphic testing, things may go far beyond that, even more restricted qualifications need to be satisfied with. On the basis of studying the three traditional kinds of conditions in mutation testing, this paper tried to figure out the qualifications for the metamorphic test data to kill the mutants. A triangle experiment was carried out to research the qualifications for the metamorphic test data. Through analyzing the results, this paper came to a conclusion of its regular pattern to kill mutants, and thus put forward a brand new sufficiency condition.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第A01期280-283,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 国家863计划项目(2009AA01Z402) 江苏省自然科学基金资助项目(BK2012059 BK2012060) 解放军理工大学预研基金资助项目(20110202 20110210)
关键词 变异 变异分析 蜕变测试 充分性条件 mutant mutation analysis metamorphic testing sufficiency condition
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