
北江白石窑枢纽坝下航道稳定性初步分析 被引量:4

Analysis of waterway stability under the dam of Beijiang Baishiyao water conservancy
摘要 白石窑枢纽位于北江中游,下游紧邻飞来峡枢纽,且受其回水影响,坝下河段水流条件十分复杂。因此采用河工模型进行研究,且验证满足相似性要求。通过对研究河段进行河床演变分析,根据定床试验结果,从整治线走向与水流动力轴线、航槽轴线与主流夹角、整治前后流速、比降变化及输沙能力等方面初步分析其航道稳定性。基于动床试验得挖槽回淤量分布,提出保持航道稳定的建议。 Baish near Feilaixia hub, and iyao hydropower station is located on the middle reaches of the Beijiang river, downstream the flow conditions of the reaches under the dam are very complicated by the influence of backwater. So the physical model is used to study it, and the model is proven to satisfy the similarity requirements through verification. Fluvial process analysis about the reaches is carried out. According to the results of fixed bed model test, a preliminary analysis of waterway stability is made from the regulation line of waterway and flow dynamic axis, the angle between channel axis and the stream thread, change of flow velocity between before and after channel improvement, gradient, as well as transportability of sediments. The amount of dredge-cut siltation is got based on the movable-bed model test. The suggestion is offered to keep the waterway stable.
出处 《水运工程》 北大核心 2014年第6期90-95,共6页 Port & Waterway Engineering
基金 重庆市自然科学基金(cstc2012jjA30002) 省部共建水利水运工程教育部重点实验室暨国家内河航道整治工程技术研究中心开放基金(SLK2012A02)
关键词 河床演变 水动力轴线 挖槽回淤 航道稳定 fluvial process flow dynamic axis dredge-cut siltation waterway stability
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