
MSM中HIV快速检测实际利用情况及需求调查 被引量:4

The investigation on utilization and need of rapid HIV testing among men who have sex with men
摘要 目的了解男男性行为人群(MSM)对艾滋病病毒(HIV)快速检测的实际利用情况,获取影响MSM接受HIV快速检测的相关需求。方法 2012年10-12月,在杭州市下城区、江干区和富阳市MSM活动场所、自愿咨询检测门诊招募MSM,开展问卷调查。结果在接受调查的501名MSM中,268人回答知道HIV快速检测,占53.5%,其中93.7%(251/268)接受过快速检测,74.3%(199/268)知道快速检测可以较快获得检测结果。在需要做HIV检测时,52.7%(264/501)选择快速检测。在接受快速检测同时,希望接受艾滋病/性病咨询、梅毒检测和丙型肝炎病毒检测的比例分别为71.5%、60.9%、48.9%。79.6%希望接受快速检测的场所为疾病预防控制中心,89.2%愿意动员性伴接受快速检测。影响调查对象接受快速检测的主要因素为获得检测结果的时间(54.7%)、检测结果的准确性(54.5%)、个人信息的保密性(45.7%)等。结论 MSM对检测场所、隐私以及其他检测咨询等有不同的服务需求。因此,要加强对快速检测及相关特点的宣传,在开展快速检测时,从MSM实际需求出发进行改进,促进更多的MSM接受快速检测,扩大检测覆盖面。 Objective To study the real use and need of rapid HIV testing among men who have sex with men (MSM). Methods Questionnaire was performed in MSM enrolled at MSM gathering sites and voluntary counseling and testing clinics in 3 districts of Hangzhou from Octobers to December 2012. Results Of the 501 participants, 268 responded that they knew rapid HIV testing. Among them, 93.7% received rapid testing, and 74.3% knew that rapid HIV testing could obtain results quickly. If necessary, 52.7% chose rapid HIV testing. While receiving HIV rapid testing, the proportions of participants hoping HIV/STD counseling, syphilis testing and Hepatitis C testing were 71.5%, 60.9% and 48.9%, respectively. Majority of the participants hoped that rapid testing could be conducted at centers for disease prevention and control, and they were willing to mobilize their sexual partner to take rapid testing. The factors affecting MSM in receiving rapid testing included the time interval to get testing results (54.7%), accuracy of testing results (54.5%) and privacy protection (45.7%). Conclusion The utilization and need of HIV rapid testing in MSM were different in the respects of testing sites, privacy and other counseling and testing. HIV rapid testing should he advocated and improved among MSM according to their actual needs to promote acceptance of HIV rapid testing among MSM.
出处 《中国艾滋病性病》 CAS 2014年第5期356-359,共4页 Chinese Journal of Aids & STD
基金 2012年中盖艾滋病项目支持~~
关键词 男男性行为人群 艾滋病病毒 快速检测 需求 Men who have sex with men Human immunodeficiency virus Rapid HIV testing Need
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