
复脉汤治疗心脉痹阻型心律失常的临床研究 被引量:7

Clinical Observation of Fumai Decoction on Treating Arrhythmia of Syndrome of Interrelation between Phlegm and Stasis
摘要 [目的]观察复脉汤治疗心脉痹阻型心律失常的临床疗效。[方法]将门诊收治的117例心脉痹阻型心律失常患者随机分为两组,治疗组59例给予复脉汤治疗,对照组58例给予血府逐瘀汤治疗,治疗8周后,比较两组Holter心律失常疗效、中医证候综合疗效及中医主证积分。[结果](1)Holter心律失常疗效:治疗组显效26例,有效24例,总有效率为84.75%;对照组显效15例,有效24例,总有效率67.25%,总有效率组间比较,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05);(2)中医证候综合疗效:治疗组痊愈12例,显效27例,有效14例,总有效率为89.83%;对照组痊愈8例,显效16例,有效20例,总有效率75.87%,总有效率组间比较,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。(3)在中医主证积分上,治疗组心悸怔忡、心胸憋闷积分分别为1.24±0.80,1.05±0.84;对照组心悸怔忡、心胸憋闷积分分别为1.62±0.77,1.60±0.75,中医主证积分间比较,治疗组优于对照组(P<0.05)。[结论]基于痰瘀相关理论,复脉汤从调节血脉与神志两方面入手治疗心脉痹阻型心律失常,疗效优于血府逐瘀汤。 [Objective] To observe the therapeutic effect of Fumai decoction on arrhythmia of syndrome of interrelation between phlegm and stasis.[Method] One hundred and seventeen cases with arrhythmia of syndrome of interrelation between phlegm and stasis were randomly divided into two groups.The treamment group(n=59) was treated with Fumai decoction and the control group(n=58) was treated with Xuefu zhuyu decoction.After treating for eight weeks,Holter monitoring and clinical effcacy of TCM symptoms were both used to evaluate the antiarrhythmic efficacy.[Result] (1) Antiarrhythmic efficacy by Holter monitoring:26 cases with marked effect,24 cases with effect in the observation group and the total effective rate was 84.75%.15 cases with marked effect,24 cases with effect in the control group and the total effective rate was 67.25%.The observation group effcient significance was higher than those in the control group.(2)Clinical effcacy of TCM symptoms:12 cases were recovered,27 cases with marked effect,14 cases with effect in the observation group and the total effective rate was 89.83%.8 cases were recovered,16 cases with marked effect,20 cases with effect in the observation group and the total effective rate was 75.87%.The treatment group efficiency was significantly higher than those in the control group.(3)On the master card integral of traditional Chinese medicine,after treatment,the treatment group on palpitations palpitation,breadth of mind oppressed integral respectively were 1.24±0.80,1.05±0.84,lower than the control group 1.62±0.77,1.60±0.75.[Conclusion] Cases with arrhythmia of syndrome of interrelation between phlegm and stasis should be treated from regulating the blood and mind,and Fumai decoction was better than Xuefu zhuyu decoction.
作者 程臻 龚一萍
机构地区 浙江中医药大学
出处 《浙江中医药大学学报》 CAS 2014年第5期572-574,577,共4页 Journal of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University
基金 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY12H27010)~~
关键词 心脉痹阻 心律失常 复脉汤 痰瘀相关 heart vessel blockage stasis arrhythmia Fumai decoction phlegm and blood stasis relation
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