
小型电动力四旋翼坐地起降无人机设计研究 被引量:4

Research on small electric-powered quad-rotor tail-sitter UAV design
摘要 针对常规坐地起降飞机动力系统无法兼顾悬停效率和平飞效率、大的方向舵和副翼导致阻力和结构重量增加、近地面悬停时反弹气流导致飞机无法精准操纵等问题,设计了一种小型电动力四旋翼坐地起降无人机,采用四旋翼实现悬停飞行。飞机平飞时只需一个针对平飞状态优化的螺旋桨提供推力,并利用动力配平改善平飞飞行性能。建立了气动力计算模型、推进系统计算模型和全机重量计算模型;并对螺旋桨、电机以及动力系统匹配进行了优化设计;针对提出的四旋翼坐地起降布局和常规布局坐地起降无人机开展了对比计算。结果表明,四旋翼坐地起降无人机比常规坐地起降无人机具有更好的飞行性能。 Since the conventional tail-sitter UAV' s propulsion system cannot keep both high figure hove-ring efficiency and high cruise efficiency at the same time, the relatively large rudder and aileron result inhigher drag and heavier structural weight, and the slip stream of the propeller reflected from ground dete-riorates the controllability of the aircraft at takeoff and landing, a quad rotor tail-sitter UAV was pro-posed. The hovering controllability was improved with the help of multi-rotor propulsion system. Only oneset of rotor system optimized for cruise flight would work at the cruise status and the flight performanceswas improved with dynamic trim. Based on the idea, the aerodynamics model, propulsion system modeland weight model was developed. Then the optimization was made on the propulsion system. The compu-tations were made based on conventional tail sitter and the proposed design. The comparisons of perform-ance for these configurations show that the proposed new concept tail-sitter possesses much better perform-ance.
出处 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期205-208,共4页 Flight Dynamics
关键词 四旋翼布局 动力配平 坐地起降 总体参数设计 quad-rotor distribution dynamic trim tail-sitter configuration parameter design
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