
固定时间轨道拦截的制导方法研究 被引量:4

Guidance for time-fixed orbital interception
摘要 针对摄动影响下的固定时间轨道拦截问题,提出了一种基于虚拟拦截点的导引算法。通过对虚拟拦截点的修正,将摄动下的轨道拦截问题转化为二体假设下的Lambert轨道拦截问题进行求解,使摄动下的拦截问题得到简化。该方法计算过程简单,便于编程实现。仿真结果表明该方法合理有效,并能达到较高的精度。 A guidance law with virtual interception point was presented for the fixed-time orbital intercep-tion problem under the effect of perturbation. By introducing a virtual target interception point, it wasconvenient to make a fixed-time orbital interception in space environment into a quite simple Lambertproblem which is based on the two-body theory. Construction of this algorithm is rather simple and it'squite convenient to compile a CODEC. Simulation results show that the algorithm is efficient and achievea high precision.
出处 《飞行力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期266-269,共4页 Flight Dynamics
基金 国家863计划项目资助(2012AA2013)
关键词 轨道拦截 Lambert制导 虚拟拦截点 超几何函数 牛顿迭代 orbital interception Lambert guidance virtual interception point bypergeometric function Newton iteration
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