
固相微萃取与气相色谱-质谱联用测定肉产品中的克伦特罗 被引量:3

Using Solid Phase Microextraction Coupled with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry to Determine Clenbuterol in Meat
摘要 建立了固相微萃取与气相色谱-质谱联用测定肉中克伦特罗的方法。在一定线性范围内,本方法相关系数0.9993,回收率96%-104%,检出限0.48-μg/kg,相对标准偏差7.1%。方法快速、准确,具有良好的实际应用价值。 A method was developed for the determination of clenbuterol in meat using solid phase microextraction (SPME) coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The linear correlation coefficient of the GC-MS method was 0.999 3, and the detection limit was 0.48 μg/kg. The average recoveries at three spiked levels varied from 96% to 104%, and the precision expressed as relative standard deviation for three replicate determinations was 7.1%. This method proved to be simple to use, accurate and reliable and have potential for practical application.
出处 《肉类研究》 2014年第4期11-13,共3页 Meat Research
基金 江西省卫生厅科技计划项目(20072040)
关键词 固相微萃取 气质联用 克伦特罗 肉产品 solid phase microextraction (SPME) gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) clenbuterol meat products
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