In 2013 world petroleum coke production reached 126.38million tons, of which about 70% is fuel grade, the rest for the carbon concentration. The global output of petroleum coke will continue increasing in the next five years, when it is expected to reach 144 million tons of which the fuel-grade share will rise to 74%, and 80% of the growth share will have come from Asia, the Middle East and Latin America Production of US shale oil and Canadian oil-sands crude is rapidly growing, and this will have a significant impac on the US's crude oil refining processes and lead to longrun weakening in US petroleum coke supply, although the US will remain one of the global production centers. Supply of petroleum coke is steadily growing in China and India where it will still be short of demand in the next five years However, Chinese government plans to raise tariffs of imported high-sulfur petroleum coke, together with declining domestic coal prices, will discourage growth in Chinese petroleum coke demand. Coking capacity and petroleum coke production will rise sharply in the Middle East and North Africa which in the coming years are going to be the region having the world's fastest growing petroleum coke yield.
International Petroleum Economics