Nexen's takeover by CNOOC in 2013 sparked heated debate in Canada. The Government of Canada strengthened its review of investments by state-owned enterprises and introduced stricter reviewing standards and boarder investment undertaking requirements by amending related laws and regulations even though it had approved the CNOOC-Nexen deal. Investment Canada review is one of the key steps Chinese state-owned enterprises need to go through if they intend to make a direct investment in Canada. The Government of Canada has a long history of investment review, governed by the Investment Canada Act, which provides the legal authority to require investment undertakings and to set the standard for investment review. Future investment in Canada by state-owned enterprises may have a lower review trigger, a longer reviewing period, more documentation and more required undertakings. Chinese state-owned enterprises need to manage media and public relations well, establish a good company profi le, communicate effi ciently with the Investment Review Division, and engage lawyers and PR consultants accomplished in the investment review process, in order to obtain timely Government of Canada investment approval. Chinese state-owned enterprises should also consider ways to invest in Canada other than traditional direct investment.
International Petroleum Economics