将室内供暖系统设计作为应用目标,采用Visual Basic(VB)编程语言对Auto CAD软件进行二次开发。对功能界面、主要功能模块(绘制墙线模块、添加门窗模块、布置散热器模块、绘制供回水支管模块、热负荷计算模块、绘制埋地盘管模块)、散热器供暖系统设计步骤及应用效果进行了分析。
Taking indoor heating system design as an application target, the secondary development of AutoCAD software is performed by Visual Basic (VB) programming language. The design steps and application effects of the function interfaces, the main function modules including module fi)r drawing residual walls, module for adding windows and doors, module for ar- rangement of radiators, module for drawing supply and return water branch pipes, heat load calculation mod- ule and module for drawing buried coiled pipes and radiator heating system are analyzed.
Gas & Heat