爱马仕在2014年“艺术北京”博览会上呈现了互动数码影像展“8 Ties”。法国新媒体艺术家米古厄拉·契弗里埃将爱马仕男士领带的设计理念融入其充满诗意的虚拟空间,通过壁式录像投影与人体感应的互动装置让观者近距离碰触到爱马仕8款全新图案设计的重磅斜纹真丝领带系列。《艺术界》现场采访了爱马仕男士丝巾部门创意总监克里斯多夫·郭诺先生。
At 2014 Art Beijing, Herm6s presented an interactive digital image exhibition titled "'8 Ties." French new media artist Miguel Chevalier integrated the design concept of men's ties by Hermes into the poetic virtual space of the exhibition hall, and through video projections and interactive instal-lations allowed altendees to gain a better sense and feel for eight of the creations in the new Hermes heavy twill and silk tie se- ries.