
油舱透气晃荡效应研究模型实验设计 被引量:4

Experimental design of research model of oil compartment breathing out with sloshing effect
摘要 探索油气蒸发排放规律,控制油气排放是保持油品品质、防止油气爆炸、减少大气污染以及实现储运安全与节能减排目标的最根本手段。在类似油船油舱这种有特定开口的限制性空间中,影响油品蒸发排放的因素很多。研究了在晃荡条件下油品气液两相间质量传递机理,揭示了类似船舶摇晃、液货装卸等外来扰动引起的液舱晃荡对油气的气液传质速率的影响以及相应的物理场变化特征。详细介绍了整个模型实验的构思与设计,并给出了部分典型实验结果及相关实验现象的分析。该研究有利于海上油气储运的安全作业,可为液货装卸、呼吸阀开闭等作业的优化控制提供理论依据和数据支持。 Identifying oil and gas evaporative emission mechanism and controlling oil and gas emissions are the most fundamental means to maintain product quality, prevent oil and gas explosion, reduce air pollution, and realize the storage and transportation safety and energy conservation and emissions reduction. There are many factors that influence oil evaporative emission in such confined spaces with specific openings like oil tank. In this paper, the mechanism of mass transfer between gas and liquid is analyzed under the condition of sloshing, revealing the impacts of liquid compartment sloshing caused by external disturbances like ship swaying, cargo loading and unloading on gas-liquid mass transfer rate of oil and gas and the corresponding changes of physical fields. Concept and design of the modeling are described in detail, and the analysis of some typical experimental results and related experimental phenomenon is given. This research is conducive to the safe operation of offshore oil and gas storage and transportation, which can provide a theoretical basis and data support to the optimal control of liquid cargo handling, and breathing valve opening/closing.
出处 《油气储运》 CAS 2014年第6期657-661,共5页 Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目"晃荡油舱油品热质耦合传递动力学研究" 51079129 浙江省自然科学基金项目-青年科学基金项目"油船晃荡液货舱多物理场形成机理与风险演变规律研究" Q14E090003 浙江省教育厅项目"基于晃荡环境油船破损阻漏机理研究" Y201328406
关键词 油舱透气 晃荡效应 气液传质 模型实验 tanker breathing, sloshing effect, gas-liquid mass transfer, model experiment
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