汽轮发电机组轴承座动力特性对转子 -轴承系统振动有比较大的影响。但迄今为止 ,除了冲击试验外 ,还没有找到轴承座动力特性实测的好方法。文中提出利用转子 -轴承系统结构数据和机组启停过程中不平衡响应数据重构出轴承座频响函数 ,利用最小二乘原理获得轴承座动力特性。新模型无需已知油膜轴承动力特性系数和转子上原始不平衡分布情况 ,识别结果的准确性仅仅与转子系统模化精度有关。该方法在现场很容易实现 ,可以对运行机组进行实测 ,具有非常强的实用性。文中最后结合国产 2 0 0MW汽轮发电机组实例进行了仿真和试验分析 ,计算结果表明该方法是可行的。
The dynamic properties of bearing support system has large influence on the vibration of large turbo generator unit. But till now, unless by impact testing, no other good method is presented to measure bearing support system dynamics. A new method is presented in the paper. The bearing frequency response function FRF is reconstructed by using the data during run-down or run-up process. The least square method is used to identify the parameters then. The journal bearing dynamics and the original unbalance distribution are not necessary. The accuracy of the new method relies only on rotor's model. Bearing dynamics of the running unit can be analyzed also. The method can be easily applied to turbo generator units. A 200MW turbo generator unit and a test rig are used as the examples in the end of the paper.
Proceedings of the CSEE
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目!(G199980 2 0 3 0 0 )
国家自然科学基金!(5 0 0 0 5 0 0 4)资助项目