
大红山铜矿矿柱回采实践 被引量:2

Practice of Pillar Recovery in Dahongshan Copper Mine
摘要 大红山铜矿设计采矿方法以小中段空场法为主、房柱法为辅,在回采过程中矿柱损失率较大,主要是中段及盘区间柱矿量所占比重较大,采切设计矿柱损失率在21%左右,加上局部保护矿柱及场内损失,最终损失率接近30%。为了有效地回采矿柱资源,降低损失率,根据矿体赋存条件,结合矿山常用的小中段空场嗣后充填采矿法和房柱法的回采情况,在对矿柱进行数值模拟研究,及对顶板和充填体进行稳定性分析的基础上,对部分矿柱分别采用有底柱留矿法和无底柱留矿法进行了回采,取得了较好的经济效益,矿柱回采率达50%以上,从而使损失率指标进一步优化。 The designed mining method of Dahongshan Copper Mine is given priority to small middle open stoping method and complemented by room and pillar method, but it might bring about higher pillar loss in the process of mining because of the large proportion of ores in middle column and plate intervals. Therefore, the design pillar loss rate is at about 21%, while the final loss rate could be close to 30% if taken partial protective pillar and field loss into consideration. In order to effectively utilize resources and reduce loss rate, based on ore body occurrence conditions of Dahongshan Copper Mine, it is studied the current mining effect of using small sublevel open and subsequent filling mining method as well as room and pillar method. Based on numerical simulation of pillar and stability analysis of filling body and roof, beth pillar and non- pillar shrinkage stoping are used for some pillars respectively. It is proved that this process has achieved good economic effect and pillar stoping rate could reach above 50%, thus the index of loss rate could be further optimized.
作者 唐权 方长辉
出处 《工业安全与环保》 北大核心 2014年第6期51-53,57,共4页 Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection
关键词 矿柱回采 有底柱留矿法 无底柱留矿 损失率 pillar recovery pillar shrinkage stoping method non-pillar shrinkage stoping method loss rate
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