对收集到的 15个国家的 2 2 5份甘蓝型油菜品种资源的脂肪酸组份、硫代葡萄糖甙含量、含油量和农艺性状进行分析、研究 ,结果为 :大多数来自欧洲国家的种质资源为低芥酸 (<1% )品种 ,部分为双低 (低芥酸、低硫甙 )品种 ;高含油量 (>4 5% )的品种仅在日本及德国品种中发现。通过鉴定筛选出 2 2份优质油菜育种需要的优异种质资源 ,并成功地利用了其中的部分种质育成 11个甘蓝型优质油菜新品种 ,在生产上推广种植 6 0余万公顷。 90年代 。
accessions of napus rapeseed that come from 15 countries were analyzed with their oil content, glucosinolates compositions, fat acid and agronomic character. Results were as follows: most of foreign germplasm from European countries contained low erucic acid (<1%), some of them contained low glucosinolates (<30μ mol/g)。 High oil content (>45%) resources were only found in Japan*ss and Germany*ss. 22 of high quality foreign germplasm were selected. Some of them were successful in use and 11 high quality napus rapes were developed, they were planted over 600 thunsand ha. These quality foreign germplasms made a greater contribute to quality breeding in Yunnan province during 1990s.
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences