用茶饼病菌的担孢子悬液接种 33个茶树品种 (大叶种 17个 ,中叶种 16个 ) ,用离体和活体两种方法鉴定了茶树品种对茶饼病的抗性 ,结果表明 ,没有免疫的品种。各品种均不同程度的感染茶饼病 ,高度抗病的有槠叶齐、蜀永 30 7等 9个品种 ,严重感病的有台湾大叶、越南大叶等 9个品种。大叶种比中叶种更感病。抗病品种表现出发病叶位高 (新叶 1、 2叶 )、潜育期长(10~ 14d)、发病率低 (小于 2 5% )、病情指数低 (小于 2 5)、病斑较小 (小于 2 0mm2 )、病斑日均扩展直径慢 (小于 0 4mm /d)
tea varieties were tested for resistance to tea blister blight caused by Exobasidium vexans Massee. The results showed that no varieties were immune to the disease, but there were different degrees of susceptibility. Among these varieties, nine varieties such as Taiwandaye were highly susceptible and nine such as Zhuyeqi were highly resistant, and the others were mediate resistant to the disease. -
Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences