
组合放行下的干路交叉口协调控制优化 被引量:3

Arterial Road intersection Coordinate Control Optimization Under Multi-phase Combined
摘要 采用双层规划方法建立干线协调控制模型,模型以干线两相邻交叉口之间的行驶时间,关键流向的绿灯需求,交叉口绿信比,公共周期时长等参数为基础和约束,对干线协调控制信号方案进行优化,优化参数包括交叉口放行方式、各交叉口绿波起始和终止时刻以及双向绿波带宽,实例求解计算及仿真验证显示,本方法可以应用于干线绿波控制的优化设计. The multi-phase combined release pattern can effectively increase arterial coordination control bandwidth in intersection signal control.Traditional arterial road signal coordination control only use two straight direction flow release as a pattern to optimize the scheme.That method leads the bandwidth wire constrained by intersection spacing distribution.Combination release combined the no conflict flows as some combined multi-phase,based on multi-phase release method to optimize the control scheme can greatly weakened the effect of intersection spacing on control bandwidth.However the traditional research overlooked this phenomenon.In this study,a new bi-level programming method is proposed to develop an optimal model for arterial road intersection coordinate control.The model take travel time of two adjacent intersections,the major direction flow's green time demand,green splits,common cycle length as the input data and constrained.The model output optimized parameters include release pattern,green time start and end of each intersection.In addition bidirectional bandwidth can be optimized ether.Calculating and simulation show the model can be applied to the arterial road intersection coordinate control optimization design.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2014年第3期607-610,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Transportation Science & Engineering)
基金 江西省科技厅科技计划项目(批准号:20123BBE50094) 铁路环境振动与噪声教育部工程研究中心项目(批准号:12TM01)资助
关键词 交通信号控制 干线协调控制 信号优化 放行方式 绿波带宽 traffic signal control arterial road coordinate control signal optimization traffic release mode green wave bandwidth
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