以可持续发展的思想观察世界 ,分析当今国际建筑节能发展的总趋势。在增进人体健康、提高舒适性的前提下 ,有效利用能源 ,合理使用资源 ,减少温室气体排放 ,保护人类生存环境 ,已日益成为各国建筑界的共同行动准则。我国建筑节能工作还处在大发展初期 ,从地域、建筑类型、围护结构到设备系统、设计、施工和运行等方面均有十分广阔的发展空间 ;与此同时 ,建筑节能产业也必将获得迅速发展。由于市场经济和住房制度改革的推动 ,以及环境状况的压力和国际上的影响 ,我国建筑节能事业必将克服目前的困难 。
The main trend of present international building energy saving is analyzed from view of sustainable development.The general operative norms for every country building world, such as effective utilization of energy, reasonable use of resource, reduction exhausting of greenhouse gas and protection of humanity living environment, have been formed day by day under the prerequisites of set up human's health and increasing comfort. Chinese energy-saving work is still at early stage of great development. The developing space is vast in the fields of region, building type, envelope structure, equipment system, design, construction and running in China. At the same time, the building energy-saving industry will develop fast. Chinese building energy-saving cause will overcome all difficulties at present and develop a great forword in new century due to promotions of market economy and housing institution reformation as well as the pressure of environmental status and international impact.
New Building Materials
building energy saving, sustainable development, the 21th century, global task, building energy saving industry