After the Gengzi Incident, rule of the Qing Dynasty faced serious domestic troubles and foreign invasion. In order to maintain its rule, the Qing Government implemented New Deals in 1901. Various political forces fought for imperial power. Qu Hong-ji, Cen Chun-xuan and other Clean Factions launched the Ding Wei Political Event with a view to take advantage Of the opportunities of constitutionalism to overcome opponents : Yi Kuang, Yuan Shi-kai and other Corrupt Factions. But the Clean Faction failed in the end. The Ding Wei Political Event was in essence a fight between the Clean Faction and the Corrupt Faction for imperial power in New Deals period of the Qing Government. There were many contradictions like the Manchu and the Han nationalities, central and local governments, centralization and decentralization and so on. Qu Hong-ji and Cen Chun-xuan' s failure not only indicated the bankrupcy of the Clean Faction endeavor to save the rule of Qing Government by re- moving corrupt officials, but also accelerated the collapse process of the Qing Dynasty.
Journal of Yibin University
the end of the Qing Dynasty political situation
provisional constitutionalism
the Ding Wei Political Event
the fight between the Clean Faetion and the Corrupt Faction