在研究分析了许多典型国内外事故危险性评价模型的基础上 ,总结并提出了重大工艺爆炸事故危险性分级、严重度评价方法及模型。并利用此模型开发了重大工艺爆炸事故严重度评价软件 ,介绍了评价软件的功能模块设计。并列举了评价软件对重大蒸气云爆炸、液化气和过热液体扩展蒸气爆炸事故的评价实例。
Severity evaluation and models of major explosion process accident have been put forward on the basis of study on many typical hazards evaluation models. With the models the software called DANGER for severity evaluation of major process explosion accident has been developed. The design of function modules of the software has been introduced. Two evaluation cases of vapor cloud explosion and boiling liquid expanding vapor cloud explosion have been provided.
Journal of Nanjing University of Chemical Technology(Natural Science Edition)
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