

Numerical simulation on heat transfer enhancement and performance of heat exchanger with bubbly pipe
摘要 针对泡状管管壳式换热器,采用FLUENT软件对其进行管程和壳程耦合传热的整体数值模拟,并将模拟结果与具有相同形式相同换热面积的光滑圆管换热器对比。通过结果对比分析泡状管强化传热的效果、压降及总传热系数的差异;评价泡状管壳式换热器的传热性能。结果表明:相比圆管,泡状管表面形状的变化对管壳两侧均起到强化传热的作用,同时管程流动阻力增大,但壳程阻力有所降低。总体传热系数较圆管有较大幅度提高。综合考虑总传热系数和压降,泡状管对壳程传热性能提升明显。 Considering the coupled heat transfer between tube pass and shell pass,a numerical simulation of a whole tube-and-shell heat exchanger with bubbly pipe was carried out by using commercial codes of Fluent.The simulation results were compared with those of smooth pipe heat exchanger with same structure and surface area. The heat transfer enhancement and factors of pressure drop difference were discussed by comparing the results of the two kinds of heat exchanger.And the bubbly pipe heat exchanger performance was also reviewed.The results reveal that bubbly pipe can remarkably enhance the heat transfer on both side of the tube,and the overall heat transfer coefficient increases significantly than that of smooth pipe.The tube side pressure drop of bubbly pipe heat exchanger is higher than that of smooth pipe heat exchanger,but shell side pressure drop is lower.The performance evaluation criteria (PEC)show that bubbly pipe can improve the heat transfer performance in shell pass than smooth pipe.
出处 《化学工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期33-37,47,共6页 Chemical Engineering(China)
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划("863"计划)课题(2012AA01A308)
关键词 泡状管 数值模拟 强化传热 压降阻力 传热性能评价准则 bubbly pipe numerical simulation heat transfer enhancement pressure drop performance evaluation criteria
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