

Optimal Design of Vehicle Vacuum Cleaner Power Supply Devices
摘要 为了提高车载吸尘器供电装置在实际应用中的安全性和可靠性,实现体积小、功能多的目的,文中有效利用了RCD有源钳位电路的优点,提出了一种基于电流连续模型(CCM)控制的单端反激式车载吸尘器供电装置,并进行了相关的理论分析。利用UC3842数字芯片作为控制电路的控制器,并对控制电路的多个组成部分通过计算进行了设置。最后对5V输出情况进行了空载和满载的实验,实验结果表明这种车载吸尘器供电装置的工作状态良好,输出电压稳定,可靠性高,适用性好。 In order to improve the car vacuum cleaner, security and reliability of power supply device in practical applica-tion, the realization of the aim of small volume and more function, the effective use of the advantages of the RCD active clamp circuit, and presents a continuous model (CCM) based on the current control of single-ended flyback type vehicle vacuum cleaner power supply devices, and analyzed the related theory. Using the UC3842 digital chip as control circuit of the controller, and the control circuit of multiple components were set up by calculation. Finally on the 5 v output of no load and full load experiment, the experimental results show that the vehicle vacuum cleaner power supply devices working con-dition is good, the output voltage stability, high reliability and good applicability. At the same time, also the problems oc-curred in the experiment of several solutions are given.
作者 闫喜亮
出处 《科技通报》 北大核心 2014年第6期76-78,共3页 Bulletin of Science and Technology
关键词 有源钳位 单端反激变换器 车载吸尘器 供电装置 active clamp single-ended flyback converter vehicle vacuum cleaner the power supply device
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