
沈阳建筑工地农民工生命质量及影响因素研究 被引量:3

Quality of life and its influencing factors among peasant workers of construction sites in Shenyang
摘要 目的了解沈阳市建筑业农民工生命质量状况及其影响因素,为提高农民工整体的健康状况提供参考依据。方法随机抽取沈阳市的10个建筑工地的农民工,采用生命质量SF-12量表及自编的个人基本情况调查表对建筑业农民工生命质量进行评估。结果沈阳市建筑业农民工生命质量总平均分(103.95±8.77)分,生理健康因子平均分为(51.93±5.06)分,心理健康因子平均分为(52.02±7.13)分;单因素分析显示,不同婚姻、现患病、月均收入、工资拖欠、债务、生活满意度、城市适应度、居住条件、营养状况、睡眠情况、劳动强度和工作满意度的沈阳建筑业农民工生理健康因子评分之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同年龄、婚姻、现病史、月均收入、工资拖欠、债务情况、生活满意度、城市适应度、歧视经历、营养状况、睡眠强度和工作满意度的沈阳建筑业农民工心理健康因子评分之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);不同婚姻、现患病、月均收入、工资拖欠、债务情况、生活满意度、城市适应度、居住条件、歧视经历、营养状况、睡眠情况、劳动强度和工作满意度的沈阳建筑业农民工生命质量总分之间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多元Logistic回归分析显示,建筑业农民工中工作满意度高和睡眠情况好者有较高的心理健康因子得分,有歧视经历、工资被拖欠和现患病者心理健康因子得分较低;营养状况好、居住条件好和月均收入高者有较高的生理健康因子得分,有现患病者生理健康因子得分较低;营养状况好、睡眠状况好和生活满意度高的生命质量总分较高,现患病、工资被拖欠和有债务者生命质量总分较低。结论建筑业农民工的生命质量受多方面因素的影响,营养状况、睡眠情况、现患病、工资被拖欠、生活满意度和债务是沈阳市建筑业农民工生命质量的主要影响因素。 Objective To investigate the quality of life (QOL) of migrant workers of construction sites and the influencing fac- tors in Shenyang City so as to provide a theoretical basis for developing the related strategies and interventions. Methods We randomly selected migrant workers from 10 construction sites in Shenyang City. The 12 - item Short Form Health Survey (SF- 12) and self- designed questionnaires of individual general information were employed to evaluate the workers' quality of life. Results The average total score of QOL for the workers was ( 103.95 ± 8.77), the average score of physical component sum- mary (PCS) was (51.93 ± 5.06) and the average score of mental component summary (MCS) was (52.02 ± 7.13). Univariate analysis showed that PCS of the workers was significantly associated with marriage status, current disease, monthly average in- come, wage arrears, debt, life satisfaction, city compatibility, housing conditions, nutrition status, sleeping condition, the in- tensity of labor and job satisfaction (P〈0.05), MCS of the workers was significantly associated with age, marriage status, cur- rent disease, monthly average income, wage arrears, debt, life satisfaction, city compatibility, discrimination experience, nutri- tion status, sleeping hours and job satisfection ( P 〈 0.05 ). The total score of QOL of the workers was significantly associated with marriage status, current disease, monthly average income, wage arrears, debt, life satisfaction, city compatibility, housing conditions, nutrition status, sleeping condition, discrimination experienca, the intensity of labor and job satisfaction (P 〈 0.05). Multiple stepwise linear regression analysis showed that higher levels of job satisfaction and sleep quality were positively related toMC~ among the workers, while discrimination experience, wage arrears and current disease were inversely related to MCS. nutrition status, good housing conditions and higher monthly income were Fositively correlated with PCS among the workers, while current disease was inversely correlated with PCS. Better nutrition status, sound sleep and higher life satisfaction were posi- tively related to QOL, while current disease, wage arrears and debtwere inversely related to QOL. Conclusions QOL of mi- grant workers of construction sites in Shenyang City is affected by various factors, but the main factors are nutrition status, sleep condition, current disease, wage arrears, life satisfaction and debt.
出处 《实用预防医学》 CAS 2014年第6期645-648,共4页 Practical Preventive Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70603033)
关键词 生命质量 农民工 影响因素 Quality of life Migrant workers Influencing factor
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