

Tracing the Origin of the Sovereign Debt Crisis in EMU
摘要 欧元区主权债务危机自2009年12月在希腊显现以来,呈现出逐步扩大和不断升级的态势。尽管欧洲对欧债危机做出了积极救助,但这场危机依然对全球经济的恢复产生了巨大的负面影响。文章针对欧债危机形成的复杂原因进行多层面的梳理分析,对这次危机爆发的渊源有较为全面和深刻的了解。并将此次危机纳入到目前全球经济复苏所遭遇的政府债务危机的普遍背景中进行了再度溯源,并简要提出了中国应对框架。 Initially the sovereign debt crisis in EMU has emerged in Greece since December, 2009. Since then, the crisis has been showing a tendency of expanding and upgrading continuously. Although Europe has made a lot of efforts to control the crisis, it still has a huge negative impact on the recovery of the global economy. This article analyses the complicated and multifaceted reasons of the crisis, to indicate a complete and thorough explanation of the source of the crisis. At the latter half part of the paper, the author presents this crisis into the nowadays common background of the global economic recovery, suffered by government debt crisis, tracing the source once more, and points out the coping framework in China briefly.
出处 《乐山师范学院学报》 2014年第5期60-65,共6页 Journal of Leshan Normal University
关键词 欧元区主权债务危机 货币体系缺陷 发展模式不平衡 凯恩斯主义和新自由主义 中国应对 Sovereign Debt Crisis in EMU Defect of Monetary System Imbalanced Development Pattern The Keynes and The New Liberalism China’s Response
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