
纠正反馈的认知心理基础及其对外语教学的启示 被引量:12

Cognition Foundations of Corrective Feedback and Its Implication for FLT
摘要 纠正反馈是对学习者的偏误而给予的评价性和指导性信息。以普遍语法为基础的二语习得理论认为纠正反馈只能改善学习者的语言行为而不能提高语言能力,从而拒绝外语教学的纠正反馈;而认知语言学的二语习得理论则认为语言习得是人类依靠认知机制获取知识或技能的方式,纠正反馈恰恰密切联系认知中的语言的输入与输出,能够加强学习者的认识比较,促进知识结构的强化或重构。纠正反馈的认知心理基础主要有感知突显和认知互动,教师在具体教学中提供反馈需要考虑反馈对象、方式和内容等认知因素。 Corrective feedback is the evaluated and directional information about learner' s errors. UG-based theory of second language acquisition argues that corrective feedback can only improve a learner's linguistic performance, but can not enhance his linguistic competence, and he consequently refuses corrective feedback in language teaching. Cognitive theory, however, holds that language acquisition depends on cognition mechanism to the same degree as human beings obtain other knowledge or skills. Thus, corrective feedback connects language input with output, reinforces cognition comparison, and boosts consolidation and reconstruction of knowledge. The foundations of cognition psychology are perception salience and cognition interaction. When providing feedback during language teaching, teachers are advised to take into full account cognitive factors, such as objects, methods, and contents.
作者 李建中
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期67-70,共4页 Foreign Language Education
基金 湖南省哲学社会科学基金项目"英语生态教学与英语课堂教学方式的变化研究"(项目编号:09YBA130)的部分研究成果
关键词 偏误 纠正反馈 认知基础 外语教学 error corrective feedback cognition foundation foreign language teaching
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