
多模态语篇分析新进展:GeM模型及其应用评述 被引量:4

New Development of MDA: A Commentary and Review of GeM and its Applications
摘要 在多模态语篇分析领域,一种新的理论方法是John.A.Bateman 2008年提出的GeM模型。该模型结合语言学理论、版面设计与计算机技术,旨在科学分析页面及文档,标注与检索相关多模态语料库。目前国内介绍仍不全面,应用也仅局限于微博语篇结构分析。因此,有必要从理论上深入研究GeM模型及其组成部分的工作原理,并提出GeM模型能够在大数据检索、外语教学、设计等其他领域得到进一步应用,从而吸引国内更多的学者研究与应用这种新型的多模态语篇分析方法。 In the field of multimodal discourse analysis (MDA), a new method is GeM proposed by John. A. Bateman in 2008. The model is a linguistic method linked with layout design and computer techniques, aiming to scientifically analyze the page and document and index the related multimodal corpus for querying. In China, however, the introduction is incomplete and the application is limited into the text structure of microblogs. Therefore, it is necessary to explore in depth the working mechanism of the GeM model and its parts; and we may get a clear perspective of its future applications in big data mining, foreign language teaching, and design. Therefore, this research tries to attract the attention of more Chinese scholars to study and apply this new MDA method.
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2014年第6期58-63,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 教育部人文社科青年基金项目"韩礼德的计算语言学思想研究"(项目编号:11YJC740056) 第51次全国博士后面上资助项目"系统功能语言学与计算语言学--探索二者之间的关联"(项目编号:2012M511000)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 GEM模型 多模态语料库 微博 大数据 外语教学 设计 GeM multimodality corpus microblog big data foreign language teaching design
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