
集体林权改革后林区农民创业意向影响因素的实证研究——个体特征与环境认知视角 被引量:6

On the Influencing Factors of Entrepreneurial Intention of Forest Farmers after Collective Forest Tenure Reform——Individual characteristics and environment cognitive as views
摘要 在对福建省永安市和尤溪县、江西省奉新县和宜丰县、浙江省临安县和余杭县六地进行调研的基础上,实证分析了个体特征(自主性和成就动机)和环境认知特征(资源获取预期、创业回馈和与非农就业比较认知)对林农创业意向的影响。研究结果证实:林农的成就动机、自主性、资源获取预期和与非农就业比较认知对其创业意向具有显著性影响,而创业回馈对林农创业意向没有显著性影响。针对调查研究结果,从政策内容制定、政策宣传、林区教育、专家辅导等方面给出了有针对性的建议。 Based on the investigation of Yongan city and Youxi county in Fujian province, Fengxin county and Yifeng county in Jiangxi province, Ling'an county and Yuhang county in Zhejiang province, this paper empirical analyses the influence of individual characteristics ( autonomy and achievement motivation) and environment cognitive (resource acquisition expected, feedback and non-agricultural employment cognitive) to entrepreneurial intention of forest farmers. Empirical results show that achievement motivation, independence, resource acquisition expected and non-agricultural employment cognitive has significant effect on entrepreneurial intention of forest farmers, and entrepreneurship feedback has no significant influence on their entrepreneurial intention. According to the research results, this paper gives suggestions on policy making, policy advocacy, education, counseling and other aspects.
作者 薛永基 马奔
出处 《林业经济问题》 北大核心 2014年第1期50-55,共6页 Issues of Forestry Economics
基金 北京林业大学青年科技启动基金项目(2010BLX16) 教育部博士点基金项目(20120014120020) 国家社科基金青年项目(13CGL089)
关键词 林区农民 创业意向 影响因素 forest farmers entrepreneurial intention influencing factors
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