
大数据时代的数据主权和国家数据战略 被引量:90

Great State to Unite People: Data Sovereignty and the National Data Strategy in a Big Data Era
摘要 本文从媒介主权、信息主权和数据主权这三个概念的区别、演变出发,论述了在大数据时代下数据主权的重要性。当前的大数据和云处理的发展已经超越了原先以国土疆界为划分的安全概念,挑战了主权概念,带来了复杂的权责关系。数据主权是一种权力,但实施这种权力则需要数据掌控分析能力。这种权力和能力体现在国家安全和国家竞争力两个方面。大数据是国家战略资源,中国应构建自己的国家数据战略,包括加强国家安全、推动技术创新和完善政府决策等。 This paper distinguished the three concepts of media sovereignty, information sovereignty and data sovereignty, emphasizing the importance of data sovereignty in a big data era. Curent development of big data and cloud processing has transcended the traditional concept of security based upon the division by national borders as well as brought complex relationships of right and responsibility. Data sovereignty is a sort of power. It is necessary to have the capability of processing and analyzing the data to exert the power, which lies on national security and national competition. Since big data is national strategic resource, China should generate its own national data strategy, including enhancing national security, promoting the ment' s policy. renovation of technology and perfecting government' s policy.
作者 沈国麟
出处 《南京社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期113-119,127,共8页 Nanjing Journal of Social Sciences
基金 复旦大学985项目"媒介民族主义与中国对外传播"(2012SHKXQN017)的阶段性成果
关键词 大数据 媒介主权 信息主权 数据主权 大数据战略 big data media sovereignty information sovereignty data sovereignty data strategy
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