Through long observations-and careful thoughts on the teaching practice of general-knowledge and quality-oriented education in Chongqing University, it is found that the teaching in the freshman seminar is relatively in chaos and the validity and actual effect of teaching is not ideal. The course should be designed at a top level and the core plate and the main link of teaching contents should be built. The seminar should contain three key elements: "college high school students to students", "professional learners" qualified college students so as and "professionals", to guide students changing from to build up a firm foundation for becoming qualified prolessionals. The seminar teaching should combine '*research" with "discuss" and provide instructive materials as At present, the overall validity and the actual effect of the general-knowledge and quality-oriented education are not high in Chongqing University. This is caused by the study link instead of the teaching link. Feasible measures should be adopted to improve the teaching validity and the teaching effect.
Journal of Architectural Education in Institutions of Higher Learning
teaching content
teaching method
teaching validity
teaching effect