1[1]Electronic Commerce and the Role of the WTO, Special Studies, 2, 1998,at 23.
2[2]Directive 97/7 of the European Parliament and of the counlil of 20 May 1997 on the Protection of Consuners in the Respect of Distance Contracts, OJ 1997 L144, P19.
3[3]Louise Sylvan, President of Consumer international, "A Borderless World:Reaslising the Potential of Electronic Commerce ."Paper Presented at the OECD Conference, Ottawa, October7-9,1998.
4[4]Proposal of a European Parliament and Council Directive on Certain Legal Aspects of Electronic Commerce in the Internal Market, OCM/98/0586 final, Nov. 18.1998.
5[6]See Veijo Heiskanen, Dispute Resolution in International Electronic Commerc, Journal of International Arbitration 16 (3): 29-44, 1999.