
解读岩礁问题的“东南亚特色”:以学者观点为视角 被引量:5

Southeast Asian Way of Interpreting Rocks under UNCLOS:A Perspective Based on Scholars' Views
摘要 本文梳理了近年来东南亚学者关于《联合国海洋法公约》中岩礁问题的相应观点,指出在讨论和辨析南海岛礁创设相关海域的权利的过程中,一些研究者在某种程度上展现出了具有东南亚特色的"岩礁问题"学术解读方式,即试图通过绕开岛礁的法律属性认定问题或通过对岩礁概念进行狭义解释来尽可能地限制中国在南海地区的海域主张。而国家实践表明,东南亚地区的南海争端国在岩礁条款解释问题上所持的立场并非"铁板一块",也不存在有效证据表明中国对岩礁问题持"双重标准"。实际上,在整体上保持战略性模糊、在个案上保持相对化清晰,成为当前南海争端国解释和处理岩礁问题时的普遍选择。从长远看,"一事一议"、"先易后难"是解决南海岛礁法律属性争议的务实做法。 This paper makes an analysis of some Southeast Asian scholars' views on the rock issue under the UN- CLOS in recent years, and finds a Southeast Asian Way of interpreting UNCLOS 121 (3). And the regional state practice indicates that there is no a unified position of Southeast Asian states and no valid evidence that China has adopted a "double-standard" policy in this field. A mix of macro-level strategic ambiguity and micro-level relative clarity on the issue has become a popular choice in reality. In the long run, it may be a pragmatic approach to assess the maritime features in the South China Sea one by one and, especially, to assess those easily-identified features first to clarify their legal attributes under the UNCLOS.
作者 白续辉
机构地区 中山大学法学院
出处 《东南亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第3期11-17,80,共8页 Southeast Asian Studies
基金 司法部"国家法治和法学理论研究"项目(13SFB2043)
关键词 《联合国海洋法公约》 岩礁 东南亚学者 观点 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Rock Southeast Asian Scholars View
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