Because of uneven load of generation and transmitting of massages and data in wireless sensor network(WSN),there has always been a problem of energy hole.The time synchronized mesh protocol (TSMP) uses time synchronization,graph-routing and pre-scheduling of pair-wise communication while cycling through all available pre-divided channels to manage the whole network.With the collision-free network,we study the energy-hole problem and discuss how to fix or improve this problem with mathematical analyses.When knowing where the reason lies,we propose an algorithm which can enable the nodes to choose their transmission range and next hop relay in order to adjust energy consumption of nodes in different position of the network.With this ability nodes that have less energy can reduce their work,so do the nodes in the region nearer the sink,thus the lifetime of the network can be prolonged.At the end of this paper,we evaluate this algorithm by means of the NS2 stimulation tools,and compare the original TSMP with the new one which contains a new module that can control the transmission range.At last we get the simulation results which tell us that we finally get a network with relatively longer lifetime.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Natural Science)