
从业人员预防性健康体检沙门/志贺氏菌检验PCR方法快速筛查的应用 被引量:3

Application on Rapid Screening Salmonella/Shigella by PCR in Preventive Health Physical Examination for Employees
摘要 采用实时荧光定量PCR方法快速检测食品等从业人员肠道致病菌,并与培养法进行比较,了解实时荧光定量PCR方法的应用价值.方法:随机采集96 752份从业人员肛拭子标本分别进行实时荧光定量PCR方法和培养法检测沙门氏菌和志贺氏菌,比较两种方法对两种肠道菌的检出率.结果:96 752份标本中,实时荧光定量PCR方法共检测出91份标本沙门氏菌阳性,其中83份分离阳性,41份志贺氏菌阳性,其中30份分离阳性.而传统培养法检测未检出.结论:实时荧光定量PCR方法可以很好的应用在从业人员肠道致病菌的筛查,并且可以提高从业人员肠道致病菌的检出率和准确性,节省劳动力,降低工作人员的工作强度. Purpose:Detection rapidly on pathogenic bacterial in food and some other things by real-time PCR for employees, and compare with plating method to know the application value of real-time PCR. Method:Pick at random 96 752 pieces of anal swab sample from employees, and detect Salmonella and Shigella by real-time PCR and plating method respectively, so as to compare the detectable rate by both methods. Result: among 96 752 pieces of sample,91 pieces of sample are detected as Salmonella by real-time PCR,83 pieces of sample are detected as positive isolation. 41 pieces of sample show positive of Shigella, 30 pieces of sample are detected as positive isolation. But detect nothing by traditional plating method. Conclusion:Real-timePCR is able to use well for screening pathogenic bacterial for employees, and also increase detectable rate and accuracy of pathogenic bacterial for employees, save labor, release workload.
出处 《辽宁大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第2期172-175,共4页 Journal of Liaoning University:Natural Sciences Edition
关键词 实时荧光定量PCR 从业人员 阳性率 real-time PCR employees positive rate
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