
几种散射辐射模型精度的对比 被引量:20

Comparative Study on Accuracy of Several Diffuse Radiation Models
摘要 通过对既有散射辐射模型的分析,结合上海地区太阳辐射实测数据,建立了各向异性散射辐射新模型,其后从天气类型、朝向、季节和倾角等方面对新模型及既有模型的精度进行了对比分析.对天气类型的研究表明,阴天或多云天时,Klucher模型、Hay模型及Skartveit和Olseth模型与实测值较为吻合;但晴天时,Perez模型和新各向异性散射辐射(NADR)模型更佳.对朝向的研究表明,对于东向和北向,Perez模型和NADR模型较为准确;而对于南向和西向,Liu和Jordan模型,NADR模型较为准确.对季节的研究表明,夏秋季Perez模型和NADR模型较为准确;秋冬季Liu和Jordan模型,NADR模型较为准确.对于倾角的研究表明,Klucher模型与实测值较为吻合,各类散射辐射模型在计算倾角较小的倾斜面散射辐射精度优于倾角较大的情况.对天气、朝向、季节和倾角等多因素的综合考虑表明,Temps和Coulson模型,Gueymard模型准确性相对较低,而NADR模型的准确性最高. Based on an analysis of the existing diffuse radiation models in combination with the measured solar radiation data in Shanghai,a new anisotropic diffuse radiation model was established.Then,its accuracy was compared with the existing models in terms of the weather type,orientation,season and inclination.Research on weather types shows that for cloudy and partially cloudy days,Klucher model,Hay model and Skartveit & Olseth model are more consistent with the measured values,but for clear days,Perez model and new anisotropic diffuse radiation (NADR) model are better.Research on orientation shows that for the east and the north,Perez model and NADR model are more accurate,but for the south and the west,Liu & Jordan model and NADR model are better.Research on season shows that for summer and autumn,Perez model and NADR model are more accurate,but for autumn and winter,Liu & Jordan model and NADR model are better.Research on inclination shows that Klucher model is more consistent with the measured values.All kinds of diffuse radiation models in calculation diffuse radiation of small angle of inclination are better than the large angle of inclination.A comprehensive consideration of weather type,orientation,season,inclination and son on shows that the Temps & Coulson model and Gueymard model are of a lower accuracy,while NADR model is of the highest accuracy of all.
出处 《同济大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期937-943,共7页 Journal of Tongji University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(51278349)
关键词 散射辐射 各向异性 新模型 精度 diffuse radiation anisotropic new model accuracy
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