针对某制药厂所排放的废水有机污染物成分复杂、含盐量高等特点,在小试基础上设计了以膨胀颗粒污泥床(EGSB)为主体的“水解酸化+EGSB+ A/O”作为废水处理的主体工艺,并运用于工厂运行.在调试过程中EGSB处理单元根据反应器中的挥发酸、碱度和颗粒污泥状态等主要参数调整进水量、循环水量.经调试后EGSB处理单元中COD去除率可达到60%~ 80%,硫酸根的去除效果明显,厌氧过程中氨氮无去除;A/O处理单元经16 d运行后,COD处理率趋于稳定,氨氮处理率为70%,有待进一步提高.在运行一段时间后,组合工艺COD去除率为90%,氨氮去除率达到70%.分析结果表明,该工艺运行效果稳定,对该类制药废水的处理是非常有效的.
We designed a combination process of "hydrolytic acidification + EGSB + A/O" with Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) as the principle part to treat pharmaceutical wastewater containing complex composition of organic pollutant and high salinity.The approach was applied to practical industrial operation.EGSB processing unit regulated the volume of inflow and circulating water based on volatile acids,alkalinity and granular sludge in the reactor.COD removal rate could reach 60% ~ 80% and sulfate removal efficiency was obvious.However,ammonia was not removed in anaerobic process.COD removal rate became stable after 16 days A/O processing operation,and NH4 + removal rate was 70%,still to be further enhanced.After a period of time,COD removal rate was 90% and ammonia removal rate was 70%.Results show that the process is stable and effective for the treatment of pharmaceutical wastewater.
Shandong Science