A ccording to the notice released by the Suprem e People's C ourt of C arrying the Pilot W ork out of the Sum m ary Procedure of A dm inistrative Procedure,the sum m ary procedure of adm inistrative litigation w as established and faced som e predicam ents in the theory and pratice. W ith the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft) subm itted for consideration, there is no doubt that the necessity of sum m ary procedure w ill be signed into law .From the view of judicial practice both at hom e and abroad and the present m atured condition of revising law s, the establishm ent in accordance w ith the law is of feasibility. W hen establishing the sum m ary procedure of adm inistrative litigation in accoedance w ith the law , it is necessary to focus on the issues such as the differences w ith the sum m ary procedure of civil proceedings,the coordination w ith the adm inistrative procedure law system and the pursuit of justice value.
Journal of putian University
adm inistrative litigation
sum m ary procedure