我国原固体矿产资源储量分类标准存在着储量的涵盖太宽泛、可行性评价程度低、经济意义不突出等问题 ,不适应市场经济的需求 ,难以与国际分类对比。新分类标准根据经济意义、可行性评价阶段和地质可靠程度 ,把固体矿产资源储量分为储量、基础储量、资源量三大类 16种类型 ,其最大特点是对矿产资源储量赋予了经济意义。
The original standard classification for resources reserves of solid fuels and mineral commodities in China had the matters that the concept of reserves was too extensive, the level of feasibility assessment was low and the degree of economic viability wasn't highlighted. It is difficult to contrast it with the international classification and can't suit the needs of the market-directed economy. The new classification divides the resources reserves of solid fuels and mineral commodities into extractable reserve, basic reserve and resource three main categories and sixteen types based on degree of economic viability, feasibility assessment and geological assurance. The most distinguishing features of the new classification is that the mineral resources reserves are vested with degree of economic viability.
Geology and Exploration