利用分解袋法研究两种红树林植物 (秋茄、桐花 )叶片在野外实地分解过程中的干物质和有机C、N、P变化情况 .结果表明 ,秋茄叶片野外分解的速度要比桐花叶片快得多 ,初始非灰分物质干重 (AFDW )损失一半所需的时间秋茄为 12d ,桐花 35d左右 .分解开始后 ,两种叶片的N含量均迅速上升 ,到达峰值后逐渐下降 ;而P含量则先略为下降 ,之后慢慢回升 ;叶片有机C含量则始终保持在相对较为稳定的水平上 .试验的结果还表明 ,桐花叶片在红树林系统内沿潮汐梯度的不同滩面位置上分解时 。
Using litter bags,the authors studied the dynamics of dry weight and organic C,N and P of leaves of two species ( Kandelia candel,Aegiceras corniculatum ) in a mangrove community in Shenzhen during their decomposition in situ .Leaves of K.candel degraded more rapidly than those of A.corniculatum. For A.corniculatum ,it needed 35 days to lose half initial ash free dry weights (AFDW) of the leaves,while for K.candel ,only 12 days.Despite the difference in loss rate of litter bags with the two species,the dynamics of organic C,N and P of leaf detritus followed the same pattern.During decomposition,the N concentration of leaf detritus of both species rose up sharply,and then decreased gradually from the peak.The P level declined slightly,and then rose up slowly.The concentration of C remained fairly constant throughout the experiment.No significant difference in decomposition rates of the leaves of A.corniculatum was found when they degraded at different positions along tidal gradient within the mangrove ecosystem.
Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology