
19世纪以来全球蛇绿岩研究综述 被引量:1

A summary of Study of Ophiolite since the 19th Century
摘要 蛇绿岩普遍被发现在碰撞型和增生型两种造山带缝合线上,因此经常被用来确定板块边界。自从欧洲地质学家在19世纪早期提出蛇绿岩的概念以来,蛇绿岩的研究经历了几个发展阶段。早期研究认为蛇绿岩是侵入地槽的一套侵入岩;板块构造理论兴起后,蛇绿岩被认为是产生于大洋中脊的洋壳;在1972年的Penrose会议上,科学家们将蛇绿岩定义为一套从基性岩到超基性岩的,可以区分的复式岩体。此后,蛇绿岩的起源(构造背景),侵位机制,特征等研究都取得了很多进展。进入21世纪,出现了一些较好的蛇绿岩形成模式和划分方法。 Study of ophiolite has undergone several stages since the 19th century. The early study considered ophiolite as a suite of intrusions in geosynclines. In the 20th century, ophiolite was considered as a suite of basic-ultrabasic rocks which were derived from mid-oceanic ridge; study of its tectonic setting and emplacement mechanism made great progress. Getting into 21th century, some genetic models for ophiolite have been put forward.
出处 《四川地质学报》 2014年第2期164-169,共6页 Acta Geologica Sichuan
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41162006)资助
关键词 蛇绿岩 起源 造山带 划分 ophiolite origin orogenic zone classification
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