
恶性肿瘤病人术后化疗期间创伤后成长及其影响因素分析 被引量:2

Analysis on posttraumatic growth of malignant tumor patients during receiving post-operative chemotherapy and its influencing factors
摘要 [目的]了解恶性肿瘤病人术后化疗期间创伤后成长的现状,并分析其影响因素。[方法]便利抽取285例恶性肿瘤病人进行问卷调查,问卷包括一般资料、领悟社会支持问卷、医学应对方式问卷和创伤后成长量表。[结果]恶性肿瘤病人创伤后成长总分为61.32分±12.76分,处于中等水平;以创伤后成长总分为因变量,以相关因素分析和单因素分析有统计学意义的指标为自变量,进行多重线性逐步回归分析,结果显示,家庭人均月收入、外向性格、社会支持、面对方式的面对和屈服维度进入回归方程,共解释总变异的40.2%。[结论]恶性肿瘤病人创伤后成长状况与多种因素有关,应从多维度、多角度进行干预来提高病人的创伤后成长。 Objective: To know about the status quo of posttraumatic growth of malignant tumor patients during receiving post -operative chemotherapy and analyze its influencing factors. Methods: A total of 285 patients with malignant tumor were surveyed with questionnaires, including general information, Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI), Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS)and Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire(MCMQ). Results:The total score of posttraumatic growth of malignant tumor patients was(61. 32±12.76) ,which was at middle level;total score of post- traumatic growth was taken as the dependent variable, the indicators were statistically significant in relevant factor analysis and univariate analysis were taken as independent variables, and multiple linear regression analysis was carried out. The results showed the family income, face and yield dimensions, social support were taken into the regression equation, explained 40.2% of the total variance. Conclusion: posttraumatic growth of malignant tumor patients was related to a variety of factors, multi -dimensional, multi- angle intervention should be carried out to improve the patients' post - traumatic growth.
作者 刘雅敏
出处 《全科护理》 2014年第16期1445-1447,共3页 Chinese General Practice Nursing
关键词 恶性肿瘤 创伤后成长 影响因素 malignant tumor posttraumatic growth influencing factors
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